XDEEP Stealth 2.0 Classic Side Mount System


SKU: XDEEP-Stealth2-0-Classic-Setup Category:


The XDEEP Stealth 2.0 Classic Side Mount System has been tested and proven as one of the most reliable Diving BCD Side Mount Systems in cave diving where it has been tested over long periods of time in different cave explorations across the globe. It also have many configuration options. As the XDEEP Stealth 2.0 system is modular, and you can configure to your needs.


It is perfectly streamlined and the profiled wing on the body decreases drag which eases passing through restrictions. The full flexibility design ensures unparalleled freedom of movement. XDEEP Stealth 2.0 Class Side Mount System also comes with modular weight system, and will easily adapt to the needs of every diver.


Buoyancy: 16KG

Redundant Bladder: Optional

Total Weight of Side Mount System: 2.4 KG

Construction: Double Shell

Dry BC Weight without Harness: 0.8KG / Classic RB 1.4KG

Maximum Number of Cylinders: 4






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